Saturday, January 31, 2009

Busy, busy

Sorry for not pumping out concept these past couple days guys, my grandpa's in town and my dad just had a wedding today.

Just wanted to know if there was anything you absolutely needed concept for in the near future to let me know.

Again sorry for the slow progress, but there will definitely be some modular stuff done by Tues as well as concept art.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Lets go guys! Modeling time!

Lets make this work this weekend. I will be looking forward to what you post during the weekend, remember that we must have all this modeled by Tuesday.:D try to upload it earlier in case jimmy wants to make any comments.

good luck guys...:D


Model List

As promised guys here's the model list that we are going to work from the next to weeks. Here are some important notes to keep in mind:

a) Files must be saved as an *obj

b) You must save them to the "non-approved" folder and once jimmy checks it, he will move them to the "approved" folder.

c) if you have any ideas for new props post it under this thread as comments.

d) remember to keep a decent polycount.

e)models are due by tuesday.

Good luck guys remember this is our first "crunch" time.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Congratulations Jimmy!!

Just wanted to let you guys know that Jimmy got an animation internship yesterday, and he should be starting pretty soon. So I just wanted to let you guys know and congratulate him once more for a much deserved internship, and I'm sure you're going to do great man.

Best of luck!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Story v2.0

(I incorporated some suggestions that Jeff gave me as well as some changes suggesten in previous comments on the old story. As the blog does not notify me of comments, please send any further feedback to me by email so that I can have this tightened up and solid by our meeting.)

The town of Cogshire was a thriving gnomish community. Set within the energy-rich confines of a geothermic crater in the shadow of a secluded volcano, the citizens of Cogshire spent their days happily gathering crystals from the rock walls of their unconventional home. These crystals were as unusual as the town of Cogshire itself. Years prior, the founders of Cogshire had discovered that these crystals could hold energy that they were exposed to. A visionary gnomish inventor Whizzbang Fiddlesprocket, devised a contraption that purified and focused the energy of the sun itself to be used in these crystals, and for decades these powered the myriad devices of Cogshire.

Today however, the thriving town of Cogshire is dying. Our hero enters the town via elevator systems that are running a little too slow and a bit too sluggish. He/She finds the townsfolk are scared; their way of life is being threatened, and the only person who can save them, Bob, a direct descendant of Fiddlesprocket, has vanished. Furthermore, the town of Cogshire has been beset by a plague of terrifying nightmares that have made sleep all but impossible for the once happy gnomes. Our hero must take on quests for the townspeople which will eventually lead him/her to the mine with the last two uncorrupted crystals that exist in Cogshire to investigate Bob’s strange disappearance. At the mine entrance, our hero meets a strange yet helpful witchdoctor.

The witchdoctor tells our hero that the mine has been sealed because an aberrant crystal was found, and when Bob had gone into the mine to investigate, he did not return. Guards were sent in who found that Bob and the aberrant gem had both vanished, and the mine was sealed immediately to prevent further mishaps.

He explains that the town is dying because the Fiddlesprocket’s mechanical statue in the center of town is slowing down. The only person who can fix it is Bob. He also tells the hero that the crystals in the mine are being corrupted by what he believes to be an imbalance between the planes which started shortly after Bob’s disappearance. Not only is this destroying the gnomes’ entire way of life, these corrupted crystals are radiating some kind of negative energy which has been causing the plague of nightmares to besiege the helpless gnomes.

Our hero is asked to journey through a portal that the witchdoctor believes will send him/her to where Bob has disappeared to. The witchdoctor asks for a crystal from the town to power this portal he intends to create. He gives vague assurances as to how he has discovered this location thorough his magic, and asks the hero to go there and do what he/she can to stop Cogshire from plummeting to what the gnomes view as the equivalent of the dark ages.

Upon reaching the nightmare plane, our hero finds that he/she is in a twisted and corrupted version of Cogshire. Upon heading back toward the town the most notable thing our hero sees is that the statue is not where it is supposed to be. Through exploration and investigation, our hero finds out that Bob has indeed been transported here and has gone mad from being trapped in the nightmarish world. He has tinkered this plane’s version of the statue into a giant clockwork robot. Also in a tragic accident, his failed attempt to create a machine to send him home, Bob has created a machine that is transmitting aspects of the nightmare plane into the material plane. This machine is the source of the nightmares the gnomes are suffering and the corruption of the power crystals as they are beginning to store nightmare energy.

Our hero must defeat the clockwork robot and replace the corrupted crystal in Bob’s machine with the one given to him/her in Cogshire. Thus allowing our hero and Bob to escape back to the material plane where Bob’s madness can be cured by the witchdoctor and the town of Cogshire can be restored to glory.


Here's the bridge concept, I'm not too happy with it. If you guys have any suggestions they are very welcome.

Team Meeting

Just reminding you guys that the meeting tomorrow will take place from 4 to 6, and we will meet at 4 sharp in the student lounge. Let me know if you guys are going by commenting on this post.


Excelsior Logo

Hey guys I need to include some sort of logo for Excelsior in the presentation. So if guys have any ideas please sketch them and post them on the Dropbox in the Logo folder. If there is one you guys particularly like from the DropBox let me know commenting on this thread, kinda like voting. And I will clean that one up tomorrow morning before the meeting.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Final Concept

Hey guys here's the final overall mood concept for the level. Gene did a great job of mashing our bunch of ideas into one level I'm really happy with the result. What do you guys think?

P.S. How are you guys doing with your assignments for tuesday? (remeber the to-do-list is on dropbox.) Also I would really appreciate if you guys could send me your school schedule to my mail.:D Thanks!

Story v1.01b

The town of Cogshire was a thriving gnomish community. Set within the protective confines of a geothermic crater in the shadow of a secluded volcano, the citizens of Cogshire spent their days happily gathering crystals from the rock walls of their not so average home. These crystals however were no ordinary gems. Years prior, the founders of Cogshire had discovered that these crystals could hold energy that they were exposed to. A visionary gnomish inventor Whizzbang Fiddlesprocket, devised a contraption that purified and focused the energy of the sun itself to be used in these crystals, and for decades these powered the myriad devices of Cogshire.

Today however, the thriving town of Cogshire is dying. Our hero enters the town via elevator systems that are running a little too slow and a little too sluggish. He/She finds the townsfolk are scared; their entire way of life is dying, and the only person who can save them, a direct descendant of Fiddlesprocket, Bob, has vanished. Furthermore, the town of Cogshire has been beset by a plague of terrifying nightmares that have made sleep all but impossible for our once happy gnomes. Our hero must question the townspeople which will eventually lead him/her to the mine to investigate Bob’s strange disappearance. Upon arrival at the mine, our hero meets a strange yet helpful witchdoctor, who lives near the mine entrance.

The witchdoctor tells our hero that the mine has been sealed because an aberrant crystal was found inside and when Bob had gone into the mine to investigate it he did not return. Guards were sent in who found that Bob and the aberrant gem had both vanished, and the mine was sealed immediately to prevent further mishaps.

He explains that the town is dying because the machine that Fiddlesprocket invented which is housed in the statue located by the library in the middle of town is slowing down. The only person who can fix it is Bob. He also tells the hero that the crystals in the mine are being corrupted by what he believes to be an imbalance between the planes which started shortly after Bob’s disappearance. Not only is this destroying the gnomes’ entire way of life, these corrupted crystals are radiating some kind of negative energy which has been causing the plague of nightmares to besiege the helpless gnomes.

Our hero is asked to journey to the nightmare realm, with the help of the witchdoctor, to restore the balance and to rescue Bob who can fix the statue and stop Cogshire from plummeting to what the gnomes view as the equivalent of the dark ages.

Once our hero meets with the witchdoctor, he/she is asked to take two crystals to the statue in the middle of town. One is mounted atop some sort of arcane staff of some cryptic significance, the other is the last uncorrupted power crystal in Cogshire. The staff is to be used by the witchdoctor to transport the hero to the nightmare realm. The other is to be used to restore balance to the planes and thus save the mine from complete corruption.

Upon reaching the nightmare plane, our hero finds that he is in an alternate version of Cogshire. Upon heading back toward the town the most notable thing our hero sees is that the statue is not where it is supposed to be. Through exploration and investigation, our hero finds out that Bob has gone mad from being trapped in the nightmarish world he was transported to. He has transformed this plane’s version of the statue into a giant clockwork robot. Also in a botched attempt to create a machine to send him home, Bob has created a machine that is transmitting aspects of this nightmare plane into the material plane. This machine is the source of the nightmares the gnomes are suffering and the corruption of the power crystals as they are beginning to store nightmare energy.

Our hero must defeat the clockwork robot and replace the corrupted crystal in Bob’s machine with the one given to him/her by the witchdoctor. Thus allowing our hero bring himself and Fiddlesprocket’s grandson back to the material plane where his madness can be cured by the witchdoctor and the town of Cogshire can be restored to its prior glory.

(Cogshire, Whizbang Fiddlesprocket, and Bob are just place holder names. These will be changed based on team consensus.)

If you haven't already, take a look at the comment I posted on the other story in response to Anthony's feedback. there are a couple of questions in it that i need answers to before we can finalize this story.