Monday, February 23, 2009

color opinions

hey guys, there was some debate as to the color of the microscope lab, different types of metals, and all, so i'm putting these up so we can decide on tuesday's meeting.

I think it's important that the silhouette stands out against the rocky color background and the foliage surrounding it. I'm afraid that brown or gray gears will get lost against the rock background, so i'm leaning towards the middle one.

question: most rust goes brown or red, is any of our metal going to have a different color oxidation? like copper goes green



  1. the second one with the copper dome i like it quite a lot. Although this looks only like the first pass, kinda what like Anthony's library look at the start. It would be cool if you added more detail to it. Like making the copper plates of the dome read more easily and clearer.Also maybe add some layers of thin grunge, like water drips from rain and stuff. Also the pipes need work, maybe add some like lines to show that they are built in parts, and make them read better. It's a good start but it needs more detail.

  2. agree with Andres on the copper dome one. but i also like the first gold one if it had a gold base like the last one but keeping the metal gears on the side.

    i think having the dome made up out of plates could work well. if you look at my metal tile texture you will notice that it is made up of 4 different types of metal to break up the look of things. if you go with the copper or gold dome you should def try to find some different copper and gold textures to break things up. Also rivets to connect the metal pieces.

    pipes need work and lots more wear and tear but obviously this is just a first pass for colors and what not.

    keep it up

  3. yes copper oxidizes green and should have some green oxidation in places its aging.

  4. haha, they weren't even unwrapped yet in the screenshots, it was simply for color recognition, so the 2nd one?
