Saturday, March 14, 2009


Well, what's up guys hope you didn't miss me bossing you around the last couple of days. We did a great job up to know and you guys made a great effort going that extra mile on the last week and it clearly showed in the end result. Once again great job! But we are not done yet, I gave you a couple of days to clear your mind and forget about this project for a second, but it's time to get back in. (Although its really simple stuff hehe). So, here's the list of the stuff you guys have to do by TUESDAY. So I can apply those changes on WEDNESDAY so its ready for thursday. There are also a million extra little details that I'll be making inside of UT3. If you don't understand what you are supposed to do from my simple notes, then CALL ME, and I'll explain them ok? They are really simple tasks, but that doesn't mean that they don't have to be done properly. We are having a meeting on tuesday just to talk about the meeting on thursday. Here's the list.

Create grading strip map - Flickering of lights -(Randin)

Change texture - Remove text from the sign of the mine -(Anthony)

Create alpha for - trees for the top of the trees -(jeff)

Change texture - Change alphas on the grass to fade at bottom-(Anthony)

Change texture - Desaturate the color of the mushrooms. -(Randin)

Create texture map - Re-texture the lamp posts. -(jimmy)

Create texture map - Re-texture the shopping carts.- (jeff)

Base texture for the waterfall – (Jeff)

Texture minecart – (Anthony)

Redo-bridge –(Jeff)

Make a rusted track map - Rusted tracks. -(Anthony)

Re-import windows on buildings, individually, so they can be placed individually and we can apply different maps to them. -(lee)

See it's highlighted and everything so you can't miss it. Also, there is two extra things you guys have to do.

1. Do a small list of the things that you we think we set of to achieve when creating the cogshire.

2. Run through the map for about 30 mins. And find the coolest vista of shots you can find, if you can take a screenshot of them, that would be great.:D

ok? Lets do this guys, there is no going back now. Lets finish this thing.:D Good luck!

P.S. Randin, when you are runing the level in unreal type "stat fps", and tell what numbers you get, see if they drop somewhere and stuff, so i can optimize or push level a bit more ok?? (need to know sunday)

thanks guys

Go team Excelsior! *jumps with a hand up in the air, and freeze frame against the shining horizon in the background, (insert) cheezy inspirational music*

Faded out


Monday, March 2, 2009

hey whats up guys...

Good job on the meeting on saturday guys, I think it all went pretty smoothly. We got a lot done, but there is still a lot of work to do. We are one week away from having to presnet so lets keep it up. By this thursday guys all you models have to be FINISHED and textured so check the list (its here in the blog.) so you guys can check what are you suposed to do. NO EXCUSES it's written down, then the model has to be finished and textured, by the BEGINING of the class ok?

Good luck guys let me know if you have any issues.


Monday, February 23, 2009

color opinions

hey guys, there was some debate as to the color of the microscope lab, different types of metals, and all, so i'm putting these up so we can decide on tuesday's meeting.

I think it's important that the silhouette stands out against the rocky color background and the foliage surrounding it. I'm afraid that brown or gray gears will get lost against the rock background, so i'm leaning towards the middle one.

question: most rust goes brown or red, is any of our metal going to have a different color oxidation? like copper goes green


Friday, February 13, 2009

schedule for text

hey whats up guys? I'm posting the list of stuff we said we would scan the list of stuff we are going to texture. I scanned it and then forgot to put the names of who is doing who...:S. Ha but here's the scan, and a list:

Jeff - Pipework/Gears/Conveyer Belt
Lee - Engine / Waterwheel
Gene - Crystal Fountain
Andres - Terrain / Trees
Anthony - Library
Randin - Bucket Variations/toolboxes/wrench/picaxe/shove/hammer
Jimmy - Signs/Crystals/Witchdoctor stuff

I also leave here a progress of the terrain I'm working for on. Still a lot of work, but working on it.


Good job on the midterm guys, we did great, keep it up!! We got a presentation next week..:D

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Here's our WIP

WIP shot of the town, this has to be FUUUUUULLLLLLLLL of fancy little props by next week. SO let's do it.:D (and running in UT3).


whats up guys!!!

What's up:

Lets do this guys, this is our LAST WEEK of modeling, so we got to give it our best. We have to get these models ready by Tuesday if we want this whole project to work. Please make sure you put the models inside the dropbox BEFORE the meeting on Tuesday, ha and don't place all of them on Monday, in case Jimmy makes some suggestions on your models and they can be corrected by tuesday. My worklfow and Lee's depend on the being ready, so let's get this stuff ready :D ok?

Here's the updated asset list for this week's work. It's also available on the dropbox just in case.

Let me know if you have any questions I'll probabaly be online all the way till tuesday haha, cause I dont' have class on Monday. So don't hesitate to call me or email me if you have any questions, or want extra modeling tasks (no matter how unlikely that might be haha). Anyways, thanks for the great commitment and work so far, let's keep it up!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Homework for thursday!

So guys I have a simple assignment for everybody (and by simple I don't mean take 5 mins to complete it..:S, I just mean it's simple haha). I got some screen shots of what our town looks like so far. I would like everybody to take a couple of those screen shots, make some quick paint overs them, so you can add some detail to the city and make it look like it's being lived in. Remeber to add barrels, methods of transportation, carts, little devices, and stuff like that. Once you do that, make an asset list with all the stuff you painted. That way on thrusday we can create an asset list of what we need to model for next week.

Good luck guys.:D
