Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Homework for thursday!

So guys I have a simple assignment for everybody (and by simple I don't mean take 5 mins to complete it..:S, I just mean it's simple haha). I got some screen shots of what our town looks like so far. I would like everybody to take a couple of those screen shots, make some quick paint overs them, so you can add some detail to the city and make it look like it's being lived in. Remeber to add barrels, methods of transportation, carts, little devices, and stuff like that. Once you do that, make an asset list with all the stuff you painted. That way on thrusday we can create an asset list of what we need to model for next week.

Good luck guys.:D



  1. is the cylinder in the middle where the statue goes? or the fountain? or?

  2. I know the statue's been moved to the front of the city, not sure if that's where the statue's going.

    Just a quick comment, rather than a square setup, i think a round arangement of houses would look a little better to go with the whole gear design (circular).

    The house to the left of the library really looks like it could be turned a little more towards the center of town.

  3. quick follow up, I really dig how this is comin' together, we've got a really good cohesive design in the models so far... just need to bump up the cleanliness of the modular peices, but i guess that's my fault ;), going to be a long night.
