Thursday, February 5, 2009

whats up guys!!!

What's up:

Lets do this guys, this is our LAST WEEK of modeling, so we got to give it our best. We have to get these models ready by Tuesday if we want this whole project to work. Please make sure you put the models inside the dropbox BEFORE the meeting on Tuesday, ha and don't place all of them on Monday, in case Jimmy makes some suggestions on your models and they can be corrected by tuesday. My worklfow and Lee's depend on the being ready, so let's get this stuff ready :D ok?

Here's the updated asset list for this week's work. It's also available on the dropbox just in case.

Let me know if you have any questions I'll probabaly be online all the way till tuesday haha, cause I dont' have class on Monday. So don't hesitate to call me or email me if you have any questions, or want extra modeling tasks (no matter how unlikely that might be haha). Anyways, thanks for the great commitment and work so far, let's keep it up!


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