Monday, February 2, 2009

team meeting, tuesday

Well I forgot to set a time for the team meeting during last class. But we are still meeting. I was thinking we should meet at the same time as last time, from 4 to 6 so we can have time to review the models that everyone did, make some comments changes and start working on new stuff. remember you have to upload them to the non-approved folder on the dropbox. Anyways just summing it all up:

Team Meeting Tomorrow (Tuesday)

4 to 6, we'll meet in the same room as last time (room 276 i think, the room that's on the other side from the unreal room ha)

please confirm if you are going to make it. (leaving a comment on this post.:D)

coolio, see you there guys. :D

P.S.Just as a side note, i dont think my ted is going to be able to give me ride to school this week (he's kinda sick), :S, would someone mind givin me a hand this week, :D. Just let me know.:D


1 comment:

  1. I will be there tus

    Also Andres I can hook you up with a ride this week. We share like 4 classes and I live super close to school so it wont be a problem =)

    just let me know when your 5th class is and when you will need a pick up.
