Saturday, January 24, 2009

here's the same house but revised...


Some rounded out corners to make it more house looking and friendly, steam chimneys, coming from the kitchen and or, heating system. Connecting the pendulum with pipes to make it look more technological.


  1. Looking great Andres. Few things though.

    1. I know you said you connected the pendulums to make them more technological but from Jeffs concept it seems to me that those pendulums would be the kind that one would move up and one would move down and they would be at oposite ends from eachother moving up and down. This makes the connection seem on. If it was just one pendulum thing that would swing back and forther it would be fine but with 2 hanging down it seems like they would have an up and down motion.

    2. What exactly are those really small brick things on the side of the building? Saw them in the concept but wasnt sure what they were suppose to be. If its a metal house why are there bricks sticking out? Or are they something else? Because right now it seems that they arnt to important to the silhouette of the building and could just be faked with a normal.

    idk just some thoughts

  2. 1. I thought about that two, but i thought maybe it would look cool if both of them rocked together from side to side as one. I know that regularly those move up and down when they are two, but I thought we should aim to do something new.:D

    2. The small bricks are like little highlights of the decoration. You are right from this view it doesn't add to the silhouette but from the side it helps to add some variety. Also that is just part of the decoration and it was created modularly. So it's easier to just have the diffuse map, and maybe a simpler normal combined with these modeled detailed. Anyways they are only like 10 tris each.:D So I think that when it comes to building the other buildings modularly it will be easier to just reuse simple bricks like these.
