Thursday, January 22, 2009


Wanted to post this concept up if any of you guys wanted to get a head start on modeling some stuff, I'll be throwing some more stuff in the drop box some time tomorrow.


  1. hey guys, i know i said i'd be posting more today but my computer just took a dump. Telling me i should have paid for windows and blah blah blah, so anyway, i do have a backup and i'll need to install photoshop and such and i can start pumping out work again, just going to take a bit because i have to get other stuff going so i can do my other HW. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up and i'm not making excuses for not doing work, just saying it might be delayed a day or so. Anyways, good luck with your projects guys.

  2. on a related note, anyone know of a cheap place to buy a windows xp 64 bit product key? It'd be nice not having to wait for delivery.
