Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Week 2 Meeting (Part 2)...

This is a screen shot of the asset list, as you can see, we have 3 columns, main assets, middle assets and detail assets. The list of main assets is what will need individual concepts, colored and finished to present to SONY on week 3. These assets are the ones that give the personality to the level. Then we have the middle assets, who will have probably simpler concepts not necessarily done by Gene or Jeff, and finally the detail assets, which are pretty much self explanatory.

During the meeting we added and adjusted some of the assets in the list to fit some of the newer concept. This list will be constantly updated and we will, check of items first when they get concepted (the ones that require concept), and then checked off once they are modeled.

Then we reviewed the work schedule. I believe it is imperative that we stick to this schedule in order to create a level with the level of quality that we want to make. In order to have enough time to polish assets, polish textures, and play test the level. Finish most of the heavy work by week 7 also means we will have 3 more weeks to work on some of our other finals (time that I know we are going to need). Here's a jpeg of the schedule.

Again we have a couple of columns here, the first column are the weeks (in school weeks), the second column, is when we need to START working on stuff. The third column is when the stuff needs to be COMPLETED. The fourth column offers some detail on what needs to be completed, and any extra notes are added on the side with a " * " symbol.

Well, finally the "to-do-list" for Thursday:

Gene- will work on the final concept for the city as well as a color pallet.
Jimmy - finished concept for the witchdoctor stuff.
Jeff - 2D concept for one of the main assets (ask gene or me for extra guidance, (anyone but the statue)).
Anthony - 2d or 3d concept for 2 middle or detail assets (like the fence)*.
Lee- compile the story from the notes I will post tomorrow morning .
Randin - 2d concept or ideas for 2 middle or detail assets*.
Andres - make a finalized paper map based on Gene's concept.

*Randin and Anthony post on the blog tomorrow what are you going to be working on, so you don't both work on the same thing.

(Both of these files are available in the dropbox, make sure you download them and have them with you.)

Let me know if guys have any questions about anything.

1 comment:

  1. I will take the Giant Power Crystal, the Street Lamps and the Fences.

    To Randin - I would suggest not doing the Walls, Gate or Elevators as I'm sure Gene will have something done up in his concept and we can go from there.
