Friday, January 16, 2009

Gnome's: Info, Architecture, and Story - Part 1

Hey guys here is some info I have found out about the little gnomes, their architecture and some suggestions for a story change based off their lore. I know its a lot to read but it has a lot of valuable info that will help with concept ideas mostly and on how better to incorporate the lore into the town and story. I will email this to everyone and post it on the blog. Will be split up on the blog so it dosnt get to long.

Info: Found different websites and a bit of second hand from 2 different people who played EQ2 a while ago.

1. Intelligent and wise race.
2. As for classes they tend to be priests or mages, and sometimes scouts.
3. Tinniest Race (might not be true anymore since the fairy race was introduced)
4. Constant tinkering with things both mystical and technological
5. Known for construing "clockwork" devices. These are generally mechanical versions of all manner from rats to dragons.
6. They also build clockwork gnomes to work for them (This is kinda what I was thinking the statue could be) ie. Large mechanical gnome with lots of gears that is brought to life by evil gnome. Thinking twice the size of buildings to show there gnome might over technology and so everyone in town can see some of it.
7. They are skilled miners much like dwarfs.
8. They treasure precious gems and metals.
9. Big into the study of technology and magic.
10. Get into lots of mischief with there inventions

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