Friday, January 16, 2009

story changes

yeah i liked our idea, but was a little bummed when i heard last quarters team did the tainted river thing too.
okay, here's a few ideas:

when you first enter the town, you notice the statue is emitting a purple or black glow and the ground in a 5ft radius it around it is dead. The statue was accidently cursed by some random person who stumbled upon a sorcerers stolen spell book and read some stuff out loud.

maybe it was even intentional, a warlock curses this town because they make too much noise when he's trying to sleep so they'll never get to sleep either w. this curse.

or... the gnomes have a machine that gives them good dreams, but it stopped working and gnome who made it is nowhere to be found, because he got trapped in nightmare land

maybe there was a battle outside the city and the souls of the dead are troubled & causing this unrest

okay, so if the river is no longer the primary focus, do we still want it? a floating island + waterfall sounds cool, but is a lot of visual work that's not attatched to the story anymore. I say we keep it, because it sounds like it would look cool, but we need to make sure we focus on what we'll be interacting with or seeing up close


  1. I like the idea of the statue emitting a death radius. I would still like to keep the river in the story. It could just be powering the waterwheel of the gnomish mill, without the corruption.

  2. sorry i didn't see your comment earlier jimmy, i wasn't checking the comments on the blog just the posts..:S (my bad), I also wanted to keep the river, but I think that we can do a really good job by taking the story through the mine story instead of the river, and show SONY something new.
