Friday, January 16, 2009

quick sketch...

Idea for layout of the village (AKA papermap):

This is just a quick sketch of me throwing out some ideas. I did a simple paper map based of the concept that Jeff made. Please make comments and we will make millions of changes on this, this is only a first idea. But I just wanted to start getting an idea of the size of the town, the location of the mines, and the separation of nodes 1 and 3 (the main village and the second courtyard where the battle with the statue takes place). We must keep in mind that we can't really go ind epth with the mines because the would be like a whole new node by itself. So I thought of only ncluding the entrance to the mines. We must remember we only have 9 weeks to finish this (week one is gone and we presnet week 10).

So let's hear those suggestions. What do you guyshave in mind for the layout of the level.


The skectch is also under the concept folder of the dropbox.

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