Friday, January 16, 2009

Gnome's: Info, Architecture, and Story - Part 3

Story: These are some idea changes I had for the story based on the information I learned.

Since I agree we should scrap the river idea for the formentioned reasons of it already in use by another group I think we should change the dried up river bed to a path to a mine. Since gnomes value precious metals and gems we should have it so they unearthed a nightmare gem. This extremely rare nightmare gem is given to a gnome scientists who sets to work on experimenting on it. This gem is what throws him into the nightmare realm where he is trapped and becomes corruped. He could then use this gem to power up the giant gnome statue in the center of town and take control of it reacking havok in the nightmare realm.

The people in town could have knowalge that the science gnome disapeared shorty after working on the nightmare gem and that is why you adventure out along the path to the mine. On your way to the mine you meat the witch doctor who knows all about the nightmare gem and gives you the potion or whatever to entre the nightmare realm. The path to the mine could be outfited with mine tracks and possibly a few abandoned mine carts with gems or metals.

I think this idea would work best for our project as it fits into the lore of gnomes being good miners and coveting rare and power gems/metals.


  1. I love the story idea it actually is very alike to what me and jeff where talking about adding a mine to the level to replace the river. The gem is also a great idea because it follows the gnome traits and stuff. I like how this is shaping out.

    What do you guys think about taking this kinda take on the story?

    But i think it would look great if we add the vertical movement that I was talking with Jeff earlier, to move into and out of the mine.Because me and Jeff were thinking that if we are going to be by the mountains and adding a mine or the entrance to a mine, we could give the city a lot of vertical game play or scenery that would give it richness, variety, and also movement since everything is technological, like having elvators and such.

  2. Anthony, nice research!
    gem idea = awesome

    for terrain if we wanted height, we could do something like this?
    -a stepped style city into the dirt (i'm thinking cross betweem minas tirith & helm's deep lord of the rings)
    -a city that's been carved into the ground at various places or places in the city where certain ores or minerals were dug around (because of their denisty or whatever)

    my only problem really at this point is:what do we need the mine for? The mine is a backstory for the gem, and once you go see the witch doctor you go back to the city in the nightmare realm. It seems like another node, really.
    Maybe if a few minor parts of the city go underground, but a minecart blocks a particular path, and that path leads to the other section of the city that is unveiled with the nightmare realm?

    also, if the gnome people are small, are their tools all proportional or oversized?
