Thursday, January 15, 2009

Let's get this started

As promised guys, here's the blog for our project, please let me know if you got this email, to see if the blog is working correctly and to see if the blog work right. Lets get this project started. I know we are going to get some awesome stuff done! I will post the story tomorrow, or the overview, so Lee can start working on that as well. And we should ALL start posting some ideas, reference photos or sketches to help Gene and Jeff, starting tomorrow. I will be online during the weekend, so any ideas you want to share with me just let me know. I'll be online on msn, if I'm not online just shoot me an email. I'll add your contacts to MSN, later tonight so please accept me haha.

Anyways, this is our project officially starting, so good luck Excelsior!

P.S. remember the name of the blog (for now is)

You should all download DropBox as well, os we can start syncing up the account. I will set up that tomorrow, but just so you guys can keep that in mind. ;)

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